Monday, June 24, 2013

Craft 1: Homemade Sea Glass

Homemade Sea Glass:
  • Elmer's Glue (white glue works)
  • Water
  • Food coloring
  • (Optional) Glow-in-the-dark acrylic paint
  • (Instead off the water and glue) Mod Podge works
  1. Take some kind of glass (bottles and jars work best), and make sure it's not scratched or dirty (unless you want a lot of texture).
  2. Dump glue into a paper cup and add a little bit of water, until its not runny but is slightly liquidy. Stir it until it mixes thoroughly; it will lump up a little at first.
  3. Mix in food coloring. I added around four or five drops of food coloring; this is equal parts blue and green Martha Stewarts gel.
  4. If you want it to glow in the dark, buy glowing acrylic paint, and mix it in instead of some the food coloring.
  5. Get a large paintbrush and paint over the jar; it will eventually lose the strokes. (If you want to paint the bottom, start with it standing on the top.)
  6. Let it stand there until its totally dry. 
Notes: It will fade off a little at first, but once its dry, it looks great!   If you chose to make it glow, you need to charge it in the sun or light.

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