- Elmer's Glue (white glue works)
- Water
- Food coloring
- (Optional) Glow-in-the-dark acrylic paint
- (Instead off the water and glue) Mod Podge works
- Take some kind of glass (bottles and jars work best), and make sure it's not scratched or dirty (unless you want a lot of texture).
- Dump glue into a paper cup and add a little bit of water, until its not runny but is slightly liquidy. Stir it until it mixes thoroughly; it will lump up a little at first.
- Mix in food coloring. I added around four or five drops of food coloring; this is equal parts blue and green Martha Stewarts gel.
- If you want it to glow in the dark, buy glowing acrylic paint, and mix it in instead of some the food coloring.
- Get a large paintbrush and paint over the jar; it will eventually lose the strokes. (If you want to paint the bottom, start with it standing on the top.)
- Let it stand there until its totally dry.
Sorry, it will come back once its dry.